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// 2015-2020

42 /  48 /  58


The collaboration with the designer Aldo Drudi and the Anvera CENTROSTILEDESIGN team, he helped shape the 42/48/58 models. Despite its high performance, the Anvera promises low fuel consumption thanks to the use of carbon fiber in most of its parts. CENTROSTILEDESIGN was able to design almost all of its parts, not only making the traditional moulds but also integrating the project with a new concept of female models made of polyester paste: a high performance mould also able to support the carbon fibre pressing and its related post care.

The Anvera 58 features a cockpit which is made extremely versatile by its terraces which open automatically and increase the aft surface to such an extent as to even compete with 30-ft boats! Added to this is the front windscreen with a slide-down system that offers the possibility to switch from an aggressive "motorcycling" driving style to one that is more comfortable and sheltered.


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